Experience leadership for du & EITC

What:  In collaboration with IBM, I have lead a first real customer & stakeholder collaboration for du. A big number of stake holders across the organisation was brought together for some real customer first understanding and executed via design thinking. The result was documented in a 300 page experience strategy which has been the base of the experience transformation at du.

My role: Leader of all experience strategy as Director of UX and Creative direction for du.

My goal have been to create a seamless connected experience as as well as arriving at new opportunities around the CX journey.

Having understood the pain points in our experience we created some leading principles that would direct the way forward. Simplicity, transparency, personalisation and rewards.

Through a deep dive in customers pain points we arrived at equally many great opportunities around our customer experience. The best ones, we turned into digital deliveries and mapped on top of the redesign.

What we did:

– conducted 5 Design Thinking workshops
– explored 38 customer workshop ideas
– engaged 25 + employee workshop attendees

Because any transformation always start with understanding your customers. To lead or create great design I always make sure the whole CX journey is considered.